Boulder Colorado Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) is an excellent solution for the damaging hail storms that hit certain parts of Colorado each year. Typically beginning in late May, these storms can strike upon us rather quickly and cause devastating damage in a matter of minutes.
Having repaired thousands of vehicles and millions of dents, we have a lot of experience around auto hail repair. We are also experts at dealing with the insurance adjusters, in conjunction with properly repairing your vehicle with the best results in mind.
The Process
Our Process is well organized and designed with our clients in mind.
Your car insurance company may tell you to take the vehicle to a particular body shop within their network as a cost-saving measure for them. After a hail event, they are looking to have the policy holders’ cars looked at, as quickly as possible and will often miss many items in their initial estimate. You are under no obligation to repair at that location and it’s highly suggested that you call us for a complimentary Hail Evaluation.
You have the choice of where your vehicle gets repaired so don’t feel pressured or steered towards a particular shop that saves them money.
Our work is covered by a lifetime warranty! – Call us Today!
Most body shops are not fond of hail repairs and would rather avoid them as the influx of customers will interfere with repairs that are already scheduled at their shop. They make more money by replacing panels and repainting cars from collision damage than finding room to add hail repairs into the mix. PDR is a service typically sublet out from within their shops, often to temporary helpers.
Let Dents By Hand be your expert guide as we advocate for you, our valued client.
Our Hail Evaluation process will determine what we can do for you!
The Dents by Hand Benefits:
- Free Hail Evaluations – to determine if your damage is a good candidate for our process
- We Handle Insurance Claims Process – we deal directly with the insurance company
- Pre/Post Scans – electronic scans with vehicle computer
- IMI Certified for EV/Hybrid Vehicles – safely work on vehicles with high voltage systems
- Quick Turnaround Time – More efficient than auto body repairs
- Virtual Consultations – Contactless reviews with insurance adjusters/clients
- Valet Service – Pick-up and delivery options with hail claims
- Wash & Disinfect – Safety and service
We also offer free hail evaluations to determine if your damage is a good candidate for our exclusive process.
We work with most insurance companies and handle all the documentation and negotiations for the best repairs.
PDR produces better results than traditional body work at a fraction of the cost and in a shorter amount of time.
Small dents or dings can be removed in less than an hour. Larger dents are often done within the same day and hail damage repairs are often completed within one to three days.
The Paintless Dent Repair process is a Green Solution as no hazardous chemicals are released into the environment. Your choice helps us better protect the environment!